Online Strategy = Disruptive Thinking


As noted in late 2013, Bernard Salt the demographer comments,

“all the global financial crisis did was to accentuate a social and technological trend in shopping that was already well under way. I suspect the same logic applies to recent profound changes in business.

Business is always looking for operational efficiencies, one response has been the contrarian pursuit of new opportunities. But here’s the twist. The new business opportunities coming out of the past five years have split into two categories: the conventional and the unconventional.”

Disruptive Thinking is unconventionally very exciting; it is also the way of the future. Business Owners should not only encourage but facilitate disruptive thinking and thinkers.

Your Business Online Strategy is a classic form of the new Disruptive Thinking.

Hence why it is imperative that you get started on it now, if you haven’t already. It will be even more so when the time comes for you to sell, when your business to good to go on the market…

To watch Bernard Salt discuss Disruptive Thinking, click here

what does going Online mean to YOU, the Business Owner?


It will fundamentally change the way the Business you built operates.
Are you OK with that? Really?

Because if you do want to pursue this path, you will need to be.

You started the business one way, which may now potentially look and feel a whole lot different. And you have to be fine with this evolution. If you find you are not then maybe it’s time to best get out of the way…

If you want your Business to be 21st century ready, then going Online has to feature as part of the growth plans. This is where you start treating your business with respect and as the asset it is, not just as a cash cow.

If your business is to no longer look and feel like your business, is this palatable to you? Is it something you can continue and run with? Or is this highlighting bigger decisions that need to be made?

the Online RollOut Plan…


Your Online Strategy needs to be documented and reviewed with all parties who will help you implement and maintain it.
Effective plans should include:
  • shall we rework or rebuild current online presence?
  • what actions we plan to take over time
  • will we be static or dynamic?
  • who will be the single command and control point?
  • key points now worthy of mention
  • what is the order of priority?
  • what are our resource requirements
  • what is the budget, with estimated one-time and ongoing costs?
  • what are our assumptions?
  • how will we measure results?
  • what new information do we need?
  • what new activities may be required?
  • what is your competition doing? do we need to be doing it?
  • what “push” mechanisms to use?
  • what activities to participate in to initiate “pull” interest?
  • how to factor in mobile optimisation?
  • what other tools shall we review?
  • what content and in what order?
  • what social platforms?
  • what technology platforms?

This is all about determining how to get the Online Strategy up and running, in as short a time frame as acceptable

What is an Online Strategy exactly?


Well, it’s like any strategy really. The more pressing question is probably more about whether I, as a Business Owner, actually has any kind of strategy at all!

If yes, then adding the Online component will be less tricky.
If no, then starting from scratch, with the end in mind, is what needs to happen sooner rather than later.

Whilst the following Strategic principles will be Online focused, they apply across the greater business strategy as well…

  1. what’s worked and what needs to?
  2. who cares and how will they?
  3. the Online RollOut Plan
  4. what does this all mean to YOU, the Business Owner?

We’ll explore each of these in detail, one by one, over the ensuing days.

Aren’t Late-in-the-Day Meetings Tough, especially when the questions just keep coming?

Had a 5:30 meeting today between a seller and a potential buyer. Thought this will be OK, out by 6:30 max, no problem.
7:30, still standing in the street with potential buyer, attempting to ask more questions…


Got to thinking, why this was so?

Was the Information Memorandum not detailed enough?
Was the potential buyer not prepared enough?
Neither of these are the case. In fact, there was probably too much detail and prep!

What it is… a potential buyer, who as an experienced buyer at that, is looking to buy into a market he does not understand.
Actually, let me be more specific. It is not the whole business he does not understand, it was only part of the business, ie the Online component.  He knows its a market he should be playing in but knows enough about it to b e dangerous!
I envisage a whole lot more questions to come yet…

Business Owners, soon-to-be past or present,  you must have a handle on Online and how it impacts your business.
If you have not started this journey already, please do so now…

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