buy | sell websites – what to do when you want to sell?



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This week I was introduced to two entrepreneurial mothers who have built neat little websites, with a form of eCommerce platform. In both cases, life circumstances have altered therefore informing them to do something other than their respective businesses.

Both made similar comments – “I was just going to shut it down if I couldn’t work out what to do with it. I had not even thought of selling until ____ (can’t reveal my sources!) mentioned it and now I’m really pleased to explore this as an option”

Excellent! so am I.

Too much time, effort and money have been invested in setting these businesses up. Yes, they are micro but they are still a representation of one business owners work and need to therefore be treated with the respect deserved. 

In both cases, we have had preliminary discussions about what I’m looking for, to be able to analyse the best way forward. That includes relevance in niche, traffic stats, revenue generating options and success etc. (Not dissimilar to any business really, only with online, there is specific information required as well).

Once I do my analysis work, I will come back to each of them with a proposal and we’ll go from there.

Stay tuned!

And if you have an online business you’re no longer loving, please get in touch by emailing me at

time is currency, how well do you spend yours?



Time is a new currency and successful freelancers manage, save, and spend it wisely.

Freelancers often work independently, but being “on your own” doesn’t mean “going it alone.” Freelancing successfully means building a network to line up new gigs, passing assignments to others when things are busy, and getting referrals from friends when they’re not.

To read more of this Fast Company article, click here.

Sounds easy doesn’t it?

For those who have been in the consulting game for many years (and still are to some extent), like your’s truly, knowing all this logically and DOing the activity required can be poles apart.

So I ask you, how well are you spending your time?
Is it working for you?
Are you generating enough money to live on?
If not, why not?
What are you going to do about it?

Rest assured, there are options available to you, if you are open to what’s on offer.
If now is the time to start exploring what these are, please contact me on 

inspiration made simple…

proudly brought to you by

“Inspiration is the most used and abused word in our daily existence. Whether it is business, politics, sports, or any other endeavor of life, inspiration is considered to be the panacea or silver bullet which can transform personal lives and propel organizations to unbelievable heights.

No wonder, everyone (individuals and organizations alike) is constantly seeking this transformational wonder and are expending an enormous amount of money and time in this search. It has come to such frenzy that a large number of experts have surfaced as inspirational gurus and are having a brisk commercial business by offering their expertise to inspire individuals and organizations.

However, despite this obsession to master the art of inspiration, most individuals and organizations do not achieve their desired goals and keep on guessing what went wrong.”

By Baldev Seekri for

remaking your business; what to start with, besides the end in mind?

you can’t WIN unless you first begin, so START now…

Continuing on from last weeks post…
Organising your thoughts first and then your business…
Right Thinking leads to Right Actions
First we THINK about what we want to do.
Having thought it, we must DO it. To that end…
1. Create a story about your business
Your story should be an idealised version, a vision of what the preeminent in your field should be and why. Your story must become the very heart of your business. It must become the spirit that mobilises it, as well as everyone who works for it, buys from it, sells to it and lend to it.
2. Organise your business so that it breathes Life into your Story
Unless your business can faithfully replicate your story-in-action it all becomes fiction.
  • identify the key functions of your business
  • identify the essential processes that link those functions
  • identify the results you have determined your business will produce
  • clearly state in writing how each phase will work
  • take it step-by-step
3. Engage your people in the process
“What do I want?” becomes the first question; not, “What do they want?”
Be clear with yourself. And if it’s only you, then so be it!
It’s important to know:
a) exactly what you want?
b) how you intend to proceed?
c) whats important to you and what isn’t?
d) what you want the business to be, how you want it to act, and where you want it to go?
The story is paramount, because it is your Vision.
You must Love your Story for it to become a reality.
Tell stories that come to Life in the form of the business.

the DO! manifesto: the pursuit of Xceptional execution


“What if launching and leading an xceptional business was simpler than you’ve ever imagined? Not easier. Not less time consuming. Not less gut wrenching. But, simpler. Guess what: It is. What if I told you many successful entrepreneurs didn’t start with a compelling vision or indeed a workable business plan? Guess what: That’s true.

What if it was possible to dominate a market without any previous background in it? Well: It is.

Xceptional execution is about taking a relatively simple idea from brainstorm to breakout hit.”

By Kevin Kelly for

buy | sell websites: is it just like property?


Pretty much! In one way or another, you will have been exposed to the ongoing increased interest in the property market. You know, where they buy a house that needs renovations, they do the work, and they may or may not sell it once done.

This basically mirrors what can be done with web sites. But, it has way more upside.

You can buy a web site a whole lot cheaper than a house.
You can perform “renovation” exercises without getting your hands dirty.
You can sell it again, once fixed.
You can keep it and keep the benefit.

And if for any reason it’s not as successful as hoped, you’ve not laid out a ton of money. Perfect for those who are somewhat risk averse!

It’s possible to make an investment of a few hundred dollars to start with some time, increase that investment at a rate
of return that’s unheard of.

Like any deal, is about the steps involved in:

  • assessing a web site as an investment
  • valuing a site
  • the negotiation process

Over the ensuing weeks, I’ll spend time investigating each of these points in more detail.

Whether you treat this as a business in its own right or whether you’re looking for a bolt-on, as part the Online Strategy for your existing business, the same principles still apply…

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