#BuyThis: check out this fabulous entry-level business opportunity…


After much soul searching, our client has decided that she must sell her business in order to get her family life back on track. This means an opportunity for the smart buyer as all the hard preliminary work required to launch a new business has been done!

Our client currently works in a demanding role within the IT industry. She decided to take on this “Project” as it is in an area which she is passionate about – namely Women’s Health & Well-Being. She started an extensive search and evaluation of available business opportunities and finally settled on this business based on her personal experience as a user of the service.

The business commenced operations in July 2012 in brand new premises, with a professional fit-out and new equipment.

• Specialising in non-surgical weight loss treatments that can effectively target excess fat in those areas that are often difficult to reduce with traditional exercise and gym equipment.
• As part of a growing national network (in excess of 60 studios) the business can take advantage of branding and marketing opportunities.
• Proven results based on extensive scientific research, no “gimmicks”.
• Does not require highly skilled labour to administer the treatment which sets it apart from other passive weight loss treatments in the market.
• Straight forward ownership model without the complication of a franchise system to adhere to.
Other aspects of the business:
• Growing client base
• Desirable location with good catchment area for potential clients
• No “stock” to invest in or manage
• Easy to manage business operation
• Potential for repeat revenue
• Low operational costs due to no ongoing consumables to purchase

Click here for details: http://www.businessbrokers.com.au/view_listing.php?OID=5481369

So why is it being sold now??
Over the last 6 months, changing circumstances have impacted on our client that have lead to:
• An increasing workload at the office (a senior IT management role) means more demand on her time
• Young family demanding more of her time
• The new business demanding more of her time

So it is with much regret (but necessary) that she is taking this step to consider and rebalance her priorities which includes deciding to sell the business. She is aware that she is unable to make the commitment necessary to ensure the business continues to grow to its full potential.

To facilitate a quick sale, our client is offering the business for sale at $20,000, which is:
• Below the establishment costs (in excess of $50,000)
• A new owner will be required to take over the excellent leasing agreements already negotiated for the equipment and business premises.

Click here for details: http://www.businessbrokers.com.au/view_listing.php?OID=5481369

is “exit” in your shareholder agreement?


It’s a bit hard to think about exit when you’re only just starting, isn’t it?

Nonetheless, now’s the time to do it.

Think of the Shareholder Agreement  as a prenup!
The time it is of most use will be when the relationship goes pear-shaped. Best get all this stuff sorted when you still love each other as we’ve seen way too many relationships, when they turn ugly, go the way of attack via getting into the things closest and/or worth the most.

Given your business might be the 2nd largest asset that you own (other than your house) or in some cases, the largest. Doesn’t it make sense, when starting with the end in mind, to look after it as part of the process of sharing?

After all, that’s what a shareholding is about… sharing the risk and the reward!

you’ll be waiting if you are waiting for permission…


ABC Q&A aired a special extra episode tonight after securing an audience with visiting billionaire Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates. The program featured Gates as the sole guest, fronting an audience at the University of NSW with host Tony Jones.

Whilst Mr Gates is interesting, impressive and industrious, he performed admirably and did himself and his causes proud. What I found even more impressive though was the quality of the thinking that had gone into the audience questioning and the Twitter feed happening concurrently.

There are many who think deeply about some of the hard stuff and that buoys my faith in humans being able to better do good stuff. However, as Mr Gates pointed out this evening, if one sits around waiting for permission to do what needs to be done, death is likely to come first!

A case in point, Stephanie Woollard. Such a dynamic young woman, who has taken it upon herself to assist and truly empower all the marginalised women she can. Starting in Nepal first, world domination is definitively on the cards. She didn’t have to do it, she could have talked about it and done nothing because working from Australia would have been too difficult but she didn’t…

Instead, she started “Seven Women” (www.sevenwomen.com.au) which has since established two business centres whereby they become financially stand-alone entities as well as enabling the women to learn to earn. No permission sought, other than to appreciate the enormity of the task and then getting down to the tin-tacs of working out how to get it done.

With the women now eternally grateful.

TEMpting: how Business Sellers and Buyers have been tempted this week…



good Webinar this week, keep your eye out for the next one…

If any of the following tickle your fancy,
please contact me by emailing sell@theentrepreneurialmother.com
letting me know which one it is…



BS2 = Online Retailer

Plan B – Due Diligence concluded, to be settled early May

BS8 Waiting on Seller
Change of plans due to recent events…
BS9 = Specialist Leadership and Talent Management Provider
Completed Sellability Score.
Looking to a 2013-14 kick off, getting all ducks in a row in the meantime.
BS14 Leading Book Supplier
Completed Sellability Score
Financials received, more to come. Currently going through refinancing dramas!

BS19 Leading Wedding Services Provider
1st meeting had, waiting on Stage 2 financials – due in next week
BS22 Business “Consultancy”
Completed Sellability Score
Stage 3 of process in play, Proposal and pricing

BS23 Health and Well Being Studio
engagement locked in


BS24 Beauty Salon with a Twist
not sure what they want to do but “first prize” is to raise capital and roll out more stores
BS25 Sales and Services
Completed Sellability Score
Proposal offered, awaiting decision
BS26 Professional Services
Initial meeting to discuss options
Next step Complete Sellability Score
BS 27 Training Services Provider
via Linked In
Received Stage 2 financials, analysis work now to be done
The “Sellability Score” reports continue to dribble in each and every week.
More calls to make as a result and more emails to send 🙂
Onwards and Upwards!


TEMpting: how Business Sellers and Buyers have been tempted this week…


 Webinar May 22
How Sellable is your Business?
click here

If any of the following tickle your fancy,
please contact me by emailing sell@theentrepreneurialmother.com
letting me know which one it is…


BS2 = Online Retailer

Plan B – Due Diligence concluded, to be settled early May

BS8 Waiting on Seller
Change of plans due to recent events…
BS9 = Specialist Leadership and Talent Management Provider
Completed Sellability Score.
Looking to a 2013-14 kick off, getting all ducks in a row in the meantime.
BS10 = Specialist Offline Retailer
Completed Sellability Score.
1st meeting completed, next steps discussed.
Proposal offered, awaiting response.
BS13 Specialist Equipment Provider
Completed Sellability Score.
Recommendations being pursued with favourable feedback.
BS14 Leading Book Supplier
Completed Sellability Score
Financials received, more to come. Currently going through refinancing dramas!

BS19 Leading Wedding Services Provider
1st meeting had, waiting on Stage 2 financials – due in next week
BS22 Business “Consultancy”
Completed Sellability Score
Stage 3 of process in play, Proposal and pricing

BS23 Health and Well Being Studio
engagement locked in


BS24 Beauty Salon with a Twist
not sure what they want to do but “first prize” is to raise capital and roll out more stores
proposal to be offered
BS25 Sales and Services
Completed Sellability Score
Proposal offered, awaiting decision
BS26 Professional Services
Initial meeting to discuss options
Next step Complete Sellability Score
The “Sellability Score” reports continue to dribble in each and every week. Webinar May 22 – How Sellable is your Business?
More calls to make as a result and more emails to send 🙂
Onwards and Upwards!


to add an equity partner or not to add, that Is the question?

growthI’m always curious to know why Business Owners quite freely jump to the suggestion of bringing in an equity partner when thinking of growth. Especially if they claim they have funds to add to the pot! Whereas the option of Growth by Acquisition rarely gets a look in.

I’m not suggesting for one minute that it’s not an option, not at all. But it is often flippantly thrown about as one of a number, almost without real considered thought behind it.

Knowing someone, whether it be for a long time or short, does not mean you know what they will be like as a business partner. Let’s not mention all the decisions you’ve always made will no longer be all yours to make. Plus there’s the issues about how to spend money, what to do with profits, what staff to bring on, what role each of you are to play, etc…

The way I structured this decision, way back in the heady days of aCE talentNET was to have my prospective business partner work as a sub-contractor for 12 months. If a relationship is going to work, or not, doubts will have raised their head by the conclusion of that time frame, enabling both of you to shake hands and walk away, before any real damage is done.

I wish we had followed the same protocol when bringing on partner #3 but that’s another story. Warning: don’t always let reputation get in the way of adhering to your process.

Having had one way work and the other be a disaster, I know which I will repeat again in future. Something I strongly urge all Business Owners to really think through when broaching the same topic in considering growth options.

Think about it from an Exit Strategy point of view. How much easier is it to at least get to the sale decision when there’s only you. The more people you add to the decision making process, the more delay fatigue will potentially set in.

Growth by Acquisition on the other hand means you may be able to negotiate to have the best of both worlds ie the additional revenues and client list, without necessarily taking on the exiting partners… think about it…

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