We Are All Artists Now… Seth Godin

“We know how much you care, and it’s a shame that the system works overtime to push you away from the people and the projects you care about. The world does not owe you a living, but just when you needed it, it has opened the door for you to make a difference.

They told you to get your résumé in order, to punch your ticket, to fit in, and to follow instructions. They told you to swallow your pride, not to follow your dream. They promised trinkets and prizes and possibly riches if you would just suck it up and be part of the system, if you would merely do what you were told and conform. They sold you debt and self-storage and reality TV shows. They sold your daughters and sons, too.

All in exchange for what would happen later, when it was your turn. It’s your turn.”

by Seth Godin for ChangeThis.com

Anything by Seth is GOLD, and this is no exception…


If you are in Professional Services, Don’t Forget your #OnlineStrategy (especially if you want to Sell)


What many professional services firms are forgetting… being complacent and not moving with times make it almost impossible to Sell your Business. But then you knew that, right?

Professional services firms are known as the “safest” b2b marketers, only second behind that of the medical industry.

Still stuck in the dark ages, many professional services firms still believe that ‘good work speaks for itself’and “you need to find the clients pain” ensuring that they keep it “safe” when embarking on marketing of any kind, rather than looking deep into customer insights to drive leads and create more sustainable client relationships.

What professional services firms are forgetting is that while they may still be on track to achieving their sales goals, being complacent and not moving with the times, will make it almost impossible to stay competitive.

It use to be that you hire the law firm that your parents used or a trusted friend recommended and that was it. No price comparison, no searching for other options and no real negotiation.Content Driven Professional Services Marketing


5 metrics that sit very nicely in your #OnlineStrategy , especially critical for #exitstrategy to #sellbusiness appeal


Since its inception, digital has been perceived as being the most measurable media. But most of that measurement has been meaningless. It’s time digital marketers stopped talking about clicks and impressions and instead focused on what’s important to marketers — business results. This is pretty easy if you have an e-commerce site and can track direct online sales. But what do you do if you’re part of the 94 percent of retail commerce that occurs offline?

We all know that consumers’ purchase decisions are greatly influenced by digital. They might be trying to decide where to go to dinner on their smartphone, on the web looking up reviews for a car they are considering purchasing, or surfing the web on their tablet after seeing your TV commercial.

Can’t track that impact? Sure you can.
You just need to look at things a little differently.

And the things are:

  1. Overall Site Traffic Trends
  2. Branded Search Volume
  3. Conversions
  4. Converter Traffic
  5. Referrer data

Togo more in depth on these terms, and read the full article, go here “The 5 metrics that really matter”.


Podcast: Start with the End in Mind; regardless of how old your business is…


Denise Hall talking “Start with the End in Mind” on businesssuccessradio.com.au by Denise Hall on Mixcloud

Greetings fellow Business Owners on businesssuccessradio.com.au

My name is Denise Hall, of “the entrepreneurial mother®” fame, ex Business Owner turned Exit Strategist and Business Broker.

We are gathered here today to introduce how to Start with the End in Mind regardless of how old your business is!

This is the first in a series where I will be covering all things “I don’t want to do this business any more”.
Having someone like me to talk you through this thought process (and don’t I wish I had someone like me to talk to when I was selling my business!) will save you time, effort and money when working out the best way forward.

In order to do that, I pop on my Buyers Goggles and help you view the business you’re building through such a filter.

I also invite you to go through the “Sellability Score” questionnaire and where to find it.

The “Sellability Score” essentially works 2 ways:

  1. you get a line-in-the-sand starting point
  2. you get a list of activities to consider in order to raise the score, and ideally the value, should you choose to do so

And you can even do it for FREE and you can find it at www.sellabilityscore.com.au
Have no fear as I’m the one who contacts you once the questionnaire is completed and the report is produced.
Go forth and complete…

Cure the (Self-Inflicted) Chaos First…

Regardless of size, or what you call your business, company, organization…

“More than 80 percent of improvement efforts fail to make a discernible difference in overall business performance, regardless of the improvement methodology in use.

The reason isn’t a flaw in the methodologies, but a flaw inside of companies. Organizations in all sectors fail to meet their full potential because of self-inflicted chaos. I’m not talking about acute cases of chaos brought on by external events over which a company has little control, such as sudden supply chain disruptions, new regulations, or economic downturns. I’m talking about chronic long-term chaos brought about by ambiguity, lack of focus, inconsistency—habits and behaviors that organizations can control but choose not to.

Self-inflicted chaos is an insidious disease that must be addressed before any meaningful improvement in performance can be achieved.”

By Karen Martin for ChangeThis.com

The Art of Not Knowing – in education the starting point is what you don’t know…

“In education the starting point is what you don’t know.

Before you can begin your research or frame your experiments you’d better make sure that you are asking the right questions about what you don’t know. Trying to understand the universe through science can only come from a place of not knowing.

Innovation and creativity can only exist with the wonder of not knowing. I wonder what will happen if I mix this thing here with this thing over here. I don’t know but would love to find out. Curiosity is born from not knowing.

Not knowing therefore can help us change and grow.”

By Craig Coggle for ChangeThis.com

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