Mind of the Innovator: Taming the Traps of Traditional Thinking


By Matthew E. May for Change This

Matthew May, author of Elegant Solutions: Breakthrough Thinking the Toyota Way and a popular ChangeThis manifesto on the subject, now brings our attention to the ‘Seven Sins of Solutions’, the traditional ways of thinking that prevent us from divining the most accurate—and elegant—of solutions to any problem solving situation.

Using accessible examples, you’ll find yourself saying “Yes! That happens to me!” as you read. Lucky for us, May also provides methods to avoid those deadly sins and train our brains to think differently, allowing our inner innovator to flourish.

An excellent place to start the “what do I want to do” process…
let me know what you think…

10 Unwealthy Habits

10 Unwealthy Habits


A serial entrepreneur and wealth consultant, Alicia Castillo Holley, breaks down the negative habits that prevent us from gaining wealth. Written to address many individual viewpoints, she offers insight into how we can break those habits by first identifying them and then defying them.

Recognise these habits? Something you do yourself?
Time to have a good hard look at them if your dreams are to become realities…

The Bootstrapper’s Bible – Seth Godin

The Bootstrapper’s Bible – Seth Godin


I think Entrepreneurial Mothers are quite a natural at bootstrapping… nevertheless its always worth looking at new ways of being able to do something with as minimal money as possible!

There are after all only two things you can invest and they are time and money… if you don’t have the money, that only leaves one!

Use it wisely by reading Seth Godin’s manifesto, The Bootstrapper’s Bible, its well worth. Let me know what you think?

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