making Life! work… what’s stopping YOU?

So… did you use the “quiet” time over New Year to do a little navel gazing…

* like review what worked and didn’t work in 2007, and use that information to kick-start 2008
* like looking at your financial situation and really understand it
* like sitting down undisturbed and letting your mind wander and dream about what would really make you happy…

I know I did, and I’ll be sharing some of my thoughts, reflections and discoveries over the ensuing months. If you need a little help to get started and/or get sorted with ‘making Life work! then I suggest the following…

And to help you make the decision, you can go for FREE
my FREE Gift Offer to you: two tickets worth $1,790!

click here to register and find out for yourself…

yes you heard me… read on

What you focus on produces results in your life. At Breakthrough to Success (BTS), you will learn a new generation of achievement technologies for creating rapid and extraordinary results which create a high level of personal fulfilment.

Over thirty thousand people registered in 2007 to find out how to:

* Create a Results-Focused, Purpose-Driven, Blueprint for Success.
* Overcoming the inconsistencies or blocks in your career, relationships, health & finances Learn the tools of aligning and utilising the vast resources of your unconscious mind in order to create the results you really want in your life.
* Release false associations and limiting beliefs such as… “I have low self-esteem”, “I can’t have a great relationship” or “It’s hard to make money”and replace them with thought patterns that guarantee success.
* Take charge of your financial future, think big and play a bigger game.
* Accelerate your success and gain massive propulsion toward your dreams.


click here to register and find out for yourself…

Due to the overwhelming demand, in 2008
BTS is launching into:
Dublin, Ireland
Auckland, NZ and
Adelaide, Australia (dates to be confirmed)
Seats are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

Australia & New Zealand

Melbourne Feb 22 – 24th, 2008
Sydney March 28 – 30th, 2008
Auckland April 4 – 6th, 2008
Perth April 11 – 13th, 2008
Brisbane April 18 – 20th, 2008

UK and Ireland
Dublin Feb 15 – 17th, 2008
London March 14 – 16th, 2008

I cannot recommend BTS highly enough….
Transform your life in a single 3 day weekend and live a deeply rich and fulfilling life.
Go on… I dare you!
click here to register and find out for yourself…

Seriously, you will not regret it.
And if you have buddies that you believe would benefit from being part of the entrepreneurial mother community, then please invite to subscribe. And they too can avail of such gifts!
Or if you think that’s too much like hard work, then give me their details and I’ll contact them on your behalf!… its as easy as that.

until next time… its been a pleasure
yours in making Life work!

Take the Colour Test…

LOOK at the chart and follow the directions…

The key is to say the COLOUR, not the word.
It takes a little concentration, and it’s doable.
Trust me, I’ve done it myself…

Your right brain will try to say the colour while your left brain will read the word! Can you do it in less than a minute?

What type of persuasion do you have?

If you can complete this test easily then ot’s probable that the right side of your brain is dominant.

good luck…
let me know how you go?

Tim Ferris Interview – The 4-Hour Workweek

Delegate and automate to create the lifestyle you desire and deserve
The following is a transcript of Scott Allen’s interview with Tim Ferriss, which you can listen to while you read (or instead).

One of the things that Scott talks a lot about on is how to try to find that balance as an entrepreneur, because there have been so many studies done on this that show that the typical entrepreneurs are working 70 and 80 hours a week.

The traditional take on this is something like, “Hey, that’s fine. We all know it’s a trade-off because we are investing that time, hopefully for the pay back in the future, or that it’s a trade-off for flexibility.” You may have to work 80 hours a week and work late into the night, but you get to take off in the middle of the day to do stuff with your kids.

You don’t have to answer to anybody or file for it a month in advance if you want to take vacation.

We would all love to get to the point of working a 4-hour workweek and a lot of us would like to just get to the point of working a 40-hour workweek, and making the living we’d like to make and having the rest of it available.

But Tim Ferriss has lived it, is living it and is sharing the good word in his book. In the interest of getting you closer to that 4-hour workweek, read/listen to Scott talking to Tim Ferriss.

As a result of listening to Tim Ferriss first time around, I turned off the automatic send/receive function on my Outlook program, which allows me to manage when emails come in and go out… a far more productive way of managing my time and head space. I don’t know about you but if an email comes in that requires action, it is very difficult to ignore it once its in your inbox! By switching off the function, you take back the control… excellent.

Tim shares this and many more tips… please listen as you’ll be pleasantly surprised as to how easy, and doable, most of these are.

Be sure to let me know which ones work for you.

A Big Girls Night IN…

by Helen Signy of TheAge

this kind of resonated with me upon reading, so suggest you do same
if its happens to read like “oh my goodness, that’s me!”…
then maybe it’s time to take a good hard look at yourself, or not…

Among the tales of nappies and sleep deprivation, there is one topic of conversation that often crops up when new mothers get together: alcohol. There was no evidence that the women were actually drinking at high levels – just that talking about drinking was a way of helping them make what for many middle-class women is a very difficult transition into motherhood.

By talking about drinking they were able to reassure themselves and each other that they were, deep down, still the same independent women they had been [before motherhood]…

this particular bit really did make me chuckle…

“Hazardous? Swimming with sharks is hazardous. But now, apparently, splitting a bottle of wine with my husband over dinner is as potentially injurious to my health.

“And now we’re supposed to spend our evenings with a measuring jug instead of a wine glass, muttering: ‘I’ll just have a 125ml unit.’ Do I drink too much? Should I cut down? The guilt of my Sunday school years remains. When I’m dragging the crate of empties to the recycling plant, I try to still the rattling, or I trill ‘We had a party!’ to anyone nearby.

“The guilt sets in before I’ve even bought a bottle. I read up on wine with low tannins and low alcohol content, and search the shelves for those with an 11 or 12 per cent alcohol by volume, rather than just picking up the ones that taste the best – which almost always tend to be more alcoholic.

“When it comes to the actual drinking, I try to down a glass of water for each glass of wine. The result is that most of the pleasure – which is surely the point – has gone from an evening’s relaxation because I spend most of the time counting. And not just my intake – my husband’s, too. (‘Did you have another unit when I went to the loo?’)

“Now, a house without an opened bottle of wine in the evening is one I’ve yet to encounter but the vast majority of us are wise in our consumption. We know when enough is enough.

“What’s missing is not just a sense of proportion but a sense of humour. As one correspondent on the Telegraph website wrote: ‘Cut down on drink? How in the name of Satan’s pants are us ugly people going to have sex?”‘


Dr Jill Taylor

Dear Friends,

I have just received an email, well two actually, with a web link that I simply had to pass on to you (thank you John and Simone). Here’s the introduction that accompanied it…

“A neuro-scientist named Jill Taylor gave a short talk at TED that was probably the most profound depiction of the “deep right brain experience” that I’d ever heard. After her talk, the vibe of the entire conference changed – people were more open, deeper, clearer. Truly remarkable. This video just went on-line today. There is an essential message here for all humanity on acknowledging just how closely connected and related we all are”.

Having seen the video, I would have to agree.

It will not suit all who see it. She may almost appear as a nutter (in the nicest possible sense) to some, and an absolute shining light to others.

It takes only 18 minutes to watch so it’s worth fitting it in.

Jill made me laugh, she made me cry, and at its absolute best, she made me feel… all of which has to be a grand thing. I hope it pushes some buttons for you.

Thank you Dr Taylor for sharing.

You can learn more about TED. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.
The annual conference now brings together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives.

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