Success in Business & Baby Balancing Act

Although my girl is not a actually baby anymore… the principles still apply. Read this article, featuring my good self, by way of an introduction into the way Entrepreneurial Motherhood, and running a business aCE talentNET co-exist.

Are you building and running your business to fit and support your life? or is it the other way around?
Why so?

Go to The Entrepreneurial Mother and register to
a) become part of the community
b) learn how to apply such principles to your life

Lets work together on ‘making Life work!’

Money Survival Guide for Women

Hoorah! A concise booklet designed to help you!
It’s not aimed at providing all the answers you need – but to engage and kick start your appetite for financial control.

Thank you Citibank.

Today we are better educated, better paid and enjoy broader career opportunities than at any time in Australia’s history. It paves
the way for women to embrace the option of building their wealth and
lay firm foundations for financial independence.

But women also face unique challenges. We enjoy greater longevity (an average of 82 years compared with 77 years among men), so we need to work harder at building a retirement nest egg. And as we’ll see, taking time out of the workforce to meet family needs can make it challenging, though not impossible, to accumulate a decent
retirement pool.

If that wasn’t enough, the increasing trend towards a ‘single person’ culture, is another reminder of the need to plan for own financial well-being… independent of the male race.

The trouble is, it can be hard knowing where to start. With a mind boggling number of financial products and options to choose from, it is difficult – and at times confusing – to know what choices are right for us.

The good news is that sensible money management isn’t complex. Overcoming financial limbo and developing some financial know
how is something we can all do…

Download the Money Survival Guide for Women, and starting working your way through it today… go on, I know you want to, read on

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

There’s one born every minute

Heard the one about the guy who traded a paperclip for a house? Mary Riekert looks at the flourishing online world of trades, social experiments … and scams.

THEY’VE always been around, the sharp-eyed entrepreneurs who come up with a brilliant idea that has us all asking, “Why didn’t I think of that?” The ideas are often ridiculous, such as Pet Rocks, a 1975 fad started by Californian salesman Gary Dahl.

Who in their right mind would have believed that the world would go crazy to own a pebble? But once Mr Dahl had been written up in Newsweek and appeared twice on The Tonight Show, he sold 1 million rocks for $US3.95 ($4.31) each in just a few months – and became an instant millionaire.

As Mary says, now the Greatest Show on Earth – the internet – is a dazzling fairground open to anyone with a sharp eye for a profit and a good dose of chutzpah willing to tap into a global audience to make money, exploit the community’s goodwill or just to see how far they can push a social experiment….

What with entrepreneurial mothers who can create something out of nothing, something like the internet might be just the place to concentrate to get that idea of yours off the ground, and the beauty being that it can be done from any PC anywhere.

I would really like to know of entreprenurial mothers using the internet and are kicking goals! please share
Lets start sharing our own stories and supporting each other.

Just 1%: The Power of Microtrends

Just 1%: The Power of Microtrends

Just 1% of people can create a new market for business, spark a social movement, or effect a political change. Here, Penn (one of the world’s most highly regarded pollster) and Zalense (social-change expert) introduce you to this compelling idea of microtrends, and their assertion that the culture is formed by the push and pull of small trends that are often invisible or ignored. Just think “Soccer Mom”…and you’ll know the power wielded by these small, but strong groups.

What idea have you got that just needs to be launched?
Are you ready with the next best small trend?…

Mark Penn and E. Kinney Zalense of

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