Look Around the Corner, not just ahead…

By Robert H. Bloom for ChangeThis.com

Today, looking ahead is useless. Prior to this moment in our world, ‘looking ahead’ was the time-tested protocol, perhaps essential and potentially valuable when the world told time in seconds, not nanoseconds. Today, it is almost useless, because when you ‘look ahead,’ you will see and learn little or nothing… read on

Survival of the Simplest: The Micro-Script Rules

By Bill Schley for ChangeThis.com

I have found out how to simplify the confused and mucked-up world of communications so that your message can penetrate the maelstrom of modern media, whether you are a global corporation, a local politician, a college lecturer, a sales rep or a start-up. I have a magic bullet that will sharpen whatever story you have to tell so that it gets to the heart of the matter, cuts through mental barriers and lodges easily in the mind. As an advisor to companies, politicians and institutions of higher learning, I’ve been thinking about this problem for about twenty years, and have been figuring out the solution for the last two. I don’t know how to de-complicate my cable bill, or untangle the knots in the U.S. Congress, but I do know about this. This is my small part to play in the crusade.

So here’s your answer…read on

Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed…

this is a great article from Time.com; well worth reading…

For every person consumed with the need to achieve, there’s someone content to accept whatever life brings. For everyone who chooses the 80-hour workweek, there’s someone punching out at 5. Men and women — so it’s said — express ambition differently; so do Americans and Europeans, baby boomers and Gen Xers, the middle class and the well-to-do. Even among the manifestly motivated, there are degrees of ambition…

Read on

Wealth by Marketing… what an entrepreneurial way to do it!

A quick one today…

I have just enrolled in a 1-day event called “Wealth from Marketing”, so I thought I would share it with you also…

This event is bringing together 3 marketing legends including:

* Jay Conrad Levinson – the father of Guerrilla Marketing and
* Joel Roberts, one of the best Media & Communications experts in the world.

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime event. If you want to join me, I have organised a free ticket for you, valued at $597.

Just click on the link below to get your tickets, with my compliments:

I hope to see you there
the entrepreneurial mother®

Focus and brilliant execution…so much more effective than a Big Idea!

The Fallacy of the Great Idea By Trevor Ginn for ChangeThis.com is right on the money. Not only will focus and brilliant execution get you a long way, being bold and opportunistic will get you that much further again. None of which require a Big Idea, just lots of small adapted ones, that keep you progressing towards your ultimate whatever!

Many entrepreneurs feel that they cannot start a business without a great idea. They believe it will be impossible to succeed without a completely new concept, as the market will already be cornered by established businesses. Only by venturing into uncharted territory can they achieve their dreams. This is the fallacy of the great idea.
The simple truth is that it is quite possible to create a thriving business without a big idea. In fact, starting up with a tried and tested concept is very sensible. The real key to success is focus and brilliant execution. Yes, the world needs people with grand ideas who are willing to take big risks to further progress, but the world also needs small businesses creating jobs, and entrepreneurs should not be embarrassed about not having a claim on originality… read on

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