I’m an older woman, disillusioned with corporate life, and needing a change, but wanting very much to be in a position to enhance other people’s life experience. I have always been drawn to the vocation of civil celebrant, so took formal training and began to set up my business. I became very ill and had to freeze all my plans for eighteen months until I recovered, and then found myself totally lacking any motivation to start again.

At that time I was presented with Denise’s story, and I realised that I could get up and get going again. True grit and determination to succeed, arming yourself with information by further study and finding the right people has been Denise’s lesson to me through this story – and it’s working for me now as I practise it.

Both my children are adults and yet there is a great deal in this story of Denise’s love and nurture of her daughter which has lessons for me even now!

A really refreshing story, and one which should cause us all to stop and think about whether we are really going after our goals, or do we want them served to us?

Jen McLennan

Jennifer McLennan
Civil and Marriage Celebrant

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