
Back to looking for is an “inch-wide, mile-deep” niche. That means it needs to be something very specific, that lots of people like your clients are looking for. Something they obsess about or would if they knew about them.

So, what do you know about your current clients that you can use to inspire you to come up with new products…

If you’re still at a loss, you can always ask them!
Why not survey them, make some calls, get a third party to interview a few to find out a thing or two.

Mind you that said, allegedly Steve Jobs was reported in saying, “the iPhone would never have been invented if we had listened to the focus groups”.

This is a great way to find out what your clients wants and what may also work in the greater market, even if you have no idea how to do anything about it what they’re telling you just yet. BUT – you can use it to come up with new ideas. And then do some strategising in how to convert what they’re telling you into something saleable for your clients.

Ideally adding beautifully to the profit. After all, that’s what buyers are looking for…

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