Travel can provoke the need to Change…

Travel can provoke the need to Change…


Travel is one of the best things for clearing your mind and really being able to concentrate on what makes your heart sing. By default, in doing so can also upset the current apple cart, specifically if you realise that what you’re doing is not cutting it, i.e. it’s time for a change.

Over the 2015-15 break, I was most fortunate enough to spend time in Antarctica. Talk about getting away from it all! But as a business owner, I also appreciate how tricky it is to be able to arrange time away like this, amongst other things.

Whilst I didn’t have such a business-change epiphany this time around, I have in the past so I fully appreciate how hard it is to then return to bring the change to fruition, and how big a deal it may end up being…

As a business owner, changing can be tricky though, especially if you have others reliant on you, whether they be suppliers, customers or staff. That said, it can be done, yes really. I’ve done it, I’ve helped others do it and you can too.

Granted, it will take some time and effort to execute but getting out is doable if you are prepared to do what it takes. This means thinking and possibly acting differently than you have previously. For some, this can be confronting, but if the need to succeed is stronger than the need to maintain the status quo, then the outcome can prove most desirable.

You’re not going to know if you don’t at least explore options.
And that’s where I come in…

Talk to me about what you have, what you want to do/have instead and I allow me to help you realise your new dream! You’re invited to email me to book a date/time for a chat

Seasons Greetings…

Seasons Greetings…


Well, its that time of year again; no surprise I know but… “where 2015 go” I hear you cry!
Time certainly seems to be moving a lot faster these days, but then maybe that’s because we try and jam too much in….

As I am about to head off on Daughters and my next adventure in Antartica, I thought it worth sharing what I’ll be pondering on and I gently and genuinely invite you to do the same too… lets use the “quiet” time over New Year to do a little navel gazing…

  • review what worked and didn’t work in 2015, and use that information to kick-start 2016
  • sit down undisturbed and let your mind wander and dream about what would really make you happy
  • if you hear yourself saying, “I don’t want to do this business any more” then lets now do something about getting you OUT, shall we?

And here’s how:
* Finish off the year by completing this Scorecard:


* Using this as a line-in-the-sand for what to concentrate on in 2016 (and do it annually until we have sold your business), you’ll be starting down the right path

* And if you want to get into more detail, there is a 60+ page manifesto to go with this, but you’ll need to email me and ask nicely! 🙂

* I’ll also throw in a copy of my Chapter in the “Secrets of Inspiring Women Exposed” book.

ho ho ho and top of the festive season to you and yours.

the entrepreneurial mother

ps Over the next 5 weeks, posts will be ones I had prepared earlier!
To follow “live crosses” you are welcome to visit where I will be sharing when technology allows me to.

We are leaving our little corner of the earth and going to one of the quietest and most pristine places on this glorious planet of ours. I cannot express adequately how fortunate I feel about being able to do so…

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