The Art of Not Knowing – in education the starting point is what you don’t know…

“In education the starting point is what you don’t know.

Before you can begin your research or frame your experiments you’d better make sure that you are asking the right questions about what you don’t know. Trying to understand the universe through science can only come from a place of not knowing.

Innovation and creativity can only exist with the wonder of not knowing. I wonder what will happen if I mix this thing here with this thing over here. I don’t know but would love to find out. Curiosity is born from not knowing.

Not knowing therefore can help us change and grow.”

By Craig Coggle for

How to Restart your Creative Juices! Little Bets: Think Differently

“Inventing the Future” is what Selling your Business is all about. Certainly, developing your exit strategy goes some way in making that become a reality, especially if looking to use the sale as a springboard for your next add-venture…

Our education system places great emphasis on teaching us about facts that are already known, such as historical information or scientific tables, and then testing us in order to measure how much we’ve retained about that body of knowledge.

Those skills work perfectly well for many situations, but not when doing something new. Or creative. Or original. They certainly won’t help us invent the future.

As education and creativity researcher and author Sir Ken Robinson puts it, ‘We are educating people out of their creativity.’

But it’s still there. And unleashing our creativity, however deeply it’s hidden, begins with little bets.

By Peter Sims for

Little Bets is where getting yourself and your business saleable and sale-ready also starts…

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