finish unfinished business?

sell? or fix?

Let’s face it… EXIT is 100% inevitable.

The determining factor on how successful this will be is whether it is PLANNED or UNPLANNED?

Firstly… How Saleable is Your Business?

By reviewing your business through my “Buyers Goggles”, the plan is to see what you’ve got and orchestrate a way to get you OUT as soon and as seamlessly and as lucratively as possible.
Mapping and Executing on this is what I do best!

Building and SELLing 3 of my own businesses, the last one being a 7-figure business, has me included as one of the 3%’ers (read my BIO).

I now spend my time between looking under the hood of 200+ businesses per year, of all shapes and sizes, and all industries to ascertain Saleability and indicative sale price range (Worth), exploring how this marries with your timelines as the Seller to get your business SOLD.

Secondly, embrace being deliberately entrepreneurial by treating your Business as an Asset determines its Worth, and what this means in terms of what needs to be done (in market-oriented and grounded terms) when you ready to move it on… best we have a chat… time for a cuppa?

I can help...

Free call

For a free, 15 minute, no strings attached chat with Denise to discuss your buying or selling questions.


How To Tell a Seller Their Asking Price Is Too High?

I'm sitting here pondering on finding a more effective and considerate way to do the following... (any suggestions will be greatly appreciated) Seller: "A price of $_______ is what I want." Broker: "OK, great... so tell me, how did you arrive at your price? It helps...

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Another Consultant, Another Exit Strategy Discussion….

Another day, another conversation with a Consultant who, when starting to explore Exit Strategy options, realises what they thought will be Saleable is not. Well, not in its current form anyway. So, once the wind had been knocked out of their sails, they began to...

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When a Change of Business Model Makes Sense…

When I started work with a Client today, we were going down a particular path, one we had been on for weeks... and then it changed. We continued to explore one line of thinking and it became obvious that those around the table were not really comfortable with where we...

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How To Tell a Seller Their Asking Price Is Too High?

I'm sitting here pondering on finding a more effective and considerate way to do the following... (any suggestions will be greatly appreciated) Seller: "A price of $_______ is what I want." Broker: "OK, great... so tell me, how did you arrive at your price? It helps...

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Another Consultant, Another Exit Strategy Discussion….

Another day, another conversation with a Consultant who, when starting to explore Exit Strategy options, realises what they thought will be Saleable is not. Well, not in its current form anyway. So, once the wind had been knocked out of their sails, they began to...

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When a Change of Business Model Makes Sense…

When I started work with a Client today, we were going down a particular path, one we had been on for weeks... and then it changed. We continued to explore one line of thinking and it became obvious that those around the table were not really comfortable with where we...

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Who am I?

Business Value Analyst, Broker and Exit Facilitator | LINCHPIN | Small Business Expert | Presenter | Speaker | Educator

In July 2011, during the GFC, Denise sold her largest business; it being the third one she has owned, built and sold. In the Consulting, L&D, Change and Organisational Development arena, it was doing 7-figures at time of going to market, so it wasn’t one that could just be packed away without due consideration of its future and those who relied on it.

Since then, she has since (confidentially) sold 25+ and appraised 200+ businesses per year on behalf of other Business Owners. The businesses are all shapes and sizes, ranging from 1 person to many people, from $10,000 to $10mil turnover.

As a result, her opinion and outlook is regularly sought after for presentations, articles, interviews, podcasts, and webinars. She also runs workshops for Business Owners looking to determine what their Business is Worth, and to commence the Exit journey as well as for aspiring want-to-be Business Owners looking to successfully Buy a Business.

Denise Hall talking “Start with the End in Mind”
on Neville Christie’s podcast


the latest blog posts

How Mars Built a Business…

Launching a business selling customized candies was risky and required a series of internal innovation moves by Mars executives. Great learning for all of us... By Jessie Scanlon for Bloomberg Businessweek "There is little reason for an individual to have a computer...

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Employ Contractors? READ THIS…

and it won't matter what size you are... Organisations engaging contractors should be on notice. With Unions pushing the Federal Government to limit the number of independent contractors, on the basis that contractors are disadvantaged and better placed in traditional...

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Learning from Lionel Logue, The King’s Speech…

The latest from aCE talentNET consultant Elliot Epstein of Salient Communication... SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t seen the Geoffrey Rush/Colin Firth movie The King’s Speech yet, then I recommend you go and see it and be aware that this article will disclose its...

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A Human Journey: From Agricultural to Entrepreneurial…

Ken Phillips (Exec. Dir.) and the team at Independent Contractors of Australia share this... The human journey has always been one of fits and starts, movements forward and backward slides. Simon Bridge, from Ulster University, is a global authority on innovation, an...

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Happy International Women’s Day…

and here's to the launch of "The Feminine Entrepreneur" (by delightful fellow entrepreneurial mother, Cath Resnick)... If there were more "Cath's" around, the world would be a better place... and to illustrate what I mean, she shares the first of her insights in this...

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Download my chapter in the Secrets of Inspiring Women Exposed
(45 pages .pdf file, 2mb)


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For a free, 15 minute, no strings attached chat with Denise to discuss your buying or selling questions.

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