
The next stage of my “service” development is now upon me; concentrating on the BUYing and SELLing of websites from the view point of the website being a profit centre in it’s own right… 

This journey all started some time ago when I had the good fortune of meeting Matt and Liz Raad. At the time, I was heavily involved in selling my Mother of a Business, aCE talentNET and I enrolled in their “How to Buy and Sell a Business” program to assist me.

aCE talentNET was sold July 2011. It was at this time I morphed into the Exit Strategist and Business Broker that I am today.

The Raads have now morphed into experts on the Buy | Sell of websites and having had success last time, I’m not going to let the opportunity to work with them again go by, especially when in my niche.

Given my passion is to assist Business Owners to  GET OUT, what has become painfully obvious is that most are nowhere near ready. Well, not in terms of maximising the full capability of the sale that is!

And most fall down at the Online Strategy.
This is not hard to rectify but as with anything, the Business Owner has to want to see it and DO something about it.

Having already started down this path of specialising in Online Businesses in the Brokering space, this year I embark on amercing myself in all aspects of the Online space, with a commercial sensibility and sharing my learning, activities and wins/loses with you.

Diarising this for the year will indeed be a most informative and ideally rewarding way to spend 2014… time will tell.

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