So you started your business and it’s humming along nicely, but now, you are not.
For whatever reason, you are not living the dream or making the money you had hoped to make, whether that be to make money online or offline.

Exploring options as to what to do requires more than just thinking about it. It takes a restructure of your business plan (even if you don’t actually have one) with a rollout execution time line. As Stephen Covey talks about “begin with the end in mind”, so too can this be done regardless of how old your business is.

It all starts with making the decision…

As featured @rubyconnection

What does that mean exactly? No doubt when starting out, you will have heard how you should “start with the end in mind”? Coming from experience, it’s really hard to do that without knowing what the “end” can look like.
Having said that though, there are a couple of easy steps to consider from TODAY that will get you in the right frame of mind…read on

My very first post on Ruby Connection…woo hoo!

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