It’s well-known that busy people get the most done. Their secret is simple: They never stop moving… writes Rosabeth Moss Kanter for Bloomberg Businessweek.

Of course, sitting still can be a good thing if it involves renewal, reflection, and focused attention (or having meals with the family). But sitting still can be a bad thing if it involves procrastination, indecision, and passivity…

Small wins matter. Small wins pave the way for bigger wins. A nudge in the right direction, as Cass Sunstein and the new behavioral economists tell us, can lead to major tipping points (per Malcolm Gladwell) when you achieve critical mass. As I saw in my study of business turnarounds and sports teams, confidence — the expectation of a positive outcome that motivates high levels of effort — is built on one win at a time. Read on

Not a truer word spoken! 🙂 Actions speak Louder than Words.
What more can I say but DO something, anything, get moving…

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