Over the last few years, there’s been an explosion of research from economists on what makes us happy as discovered by Leon Gettler.

Basically, a report by Deutsche Bank singles out Australia as one of the world’s happiest places, along with Switzerland, Canada, Britain, the US, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. Ahead of Germany, Spain, France, Belgium and Austria and way out in front of Portugal, Italy and Greece.

The report says happy societies have 10 signs:

1. High degree of trust in fellow citizens.

2. Low amount of corruption.

3. Low unemployment.

4. High level of education.

5. High income.

6. High employment rate of older people.

7. Small shadow economy.

8. Extensive economic freedom.

9. Low employment protection.

10. High birth rate.

Regardless of whether you agree with the corporate slant to this, is it a good place to start?… do you know what makes you happy?
Any to add?

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