jambo jambo

I’m sitting in the back row of the computer school of Nungwi (northern Zanzibar, Tanzania), in the middle of the Excel and Internet class. I’m using the spare computer that they rent out to tourists to raise money to keep the computer school going. Call that entrepreneurial or what!

I am pleased to report that most of the students are female. So watch out world, here they come…

an update…
We arrived in Zanzibar Christmas Day. Not our average kind of Christmas Day by a long shot, but certainly one of the most memorable. We shopped and bargained and purchased (as most on Zanzibar are Muslim and therefore do not close for Christmas… bonus!).

Once we’d had enough of that we went to the Africa House Hotel and sat in luxuriously rich surrounds watching the sunset over the Indian Ocean. Whilst not the most spectacular sunset ever, it was still pretty special. We then had to shop our way back to the hotel (of course we did) before finding ourselves rubbing shoulders with the locals at the seafood market along the shores of Stone Town. Not your average market by any means, one where the fish comes straight from the water onto the BBQ, cooked for your culinary pleasure. To finish off was to indulge in their specialty, chocolate and banana pizza… hhhmmmmmm

Boxing Day was spent finishing off the shopping (because of course we did not complete the job the day before!) and then headed north, to where I find myself now.

Its been a good rest here as the constant tent erection and dismantling was wearing a little thin by day 8-9. So to have time out by sleeping in beds, lounging for a day or two really as recharged the batteries. To the point where my girl has had her hair braided, her ankle henna’d and her tan lines sufficiently added too…

Next we head back into civilisation, to Dar es Salaam and then off to Malawi for more lounging and camping…

We hope the fat bloke in the red suit found you well and was able to assist in making your dreams come alive.

ho ho ho denise

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