Would a Buyer Consider Buying a Part of your Business NOW, with an Option?

Would a Buyer Consider Buying a Part of your Business NOW, with an Option?

The answer is YES for 63% of those we asked, based on this questions “Would you consider buying a percentage of a business now with an option to buy the rest when the situation resolves”?
(Q8 from the Xcllusive Business Buyers Report – April 2020)

We saw a little of this pre-COVID 19 but expect this method to increase in the future. It means the buyer and the seller will share the risk. This is very encouraging for the future.

Complimentary to this: What are the characteristics that will compel you to buy in this environment?

  • Low fixed overheads relative to sales level
  • Good forward plan

This is something business owners can do now to prepare their business for sale.
If you’re considering selling, have a really good look at your overheads – there’s never been a better time to renegotiate and reduce your overheads. Create a short but solid forward plan using bullet points to show the direction of your business..

To find out what else Buyers has to say, go here to read the full Report.


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