
Denise Hall talking “Start with the End in Mind” on by Denise Hall on Mixcloud

Greetings fellow Business Owners on

My name is Denise Hall, of “the entrepreneurial mother®” fame, ex Business Owner turned Exit Strategist and Business Broker.

We are gathered here today to introduce how to Start with the End in Mind regardless of how old your business is!

This is the first in a series where I will be covering all things “I don’t want to do this business any more”.
Having someone like me to talk you through this thought process (and don’t I wish I had someone like me to talk to when I was selling my business!) will save you time, effort and money when working out the best way forward.

In order to do that, I pop on my Buyers Goggles and help you view the business you’re building through such a filter.

I also invite you to go through the “Sellability Score” questionnaire and where to find it.

The “Sellability Score” essentially works 2 ways:

  1. you get a line-in-the-sand starting point
  2. you get a list of activities to consider in order to raise the score, and ideally the value, should you choose to do so

And you can even do it for FREE and you can find it at
Have no fear as I’m the one who contacts you once the questionnaire is completed and the report is produced.
Go forth and complete…

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