The latest Organisational Development Thinking, from the desk of aCE talentNET…

Well another busy month comes to an end. This month aCE talentNET has invested in two Government tender submissions, prepared a Proposal for a Victorian Government Coaching Panel; submitted a Proposal for an exciting leadership development initiative with a multi-national; and is awaiting responses from clients on OD and HR consulting resource requirements (to name but a few).

This is not to say that the HR, OD and L&D market is awash with funds OR that this signals a return to the buoyant days of old, but rather we see clients priorities as a careful and considered investment in key people management and development platforms, namely human resource management, learning infrastructure, leadership development; coaching etc. As this is aCE talentNET’s niche… we are well placed to assist clients meet these needs!

I was also able to enjoy a short mini-break in NZ recently and was reminded of the importance of staying connected to our roots. It was with this in mind that I re-read aCE talentNET Consultant, Karen Curnow’s heart wrenching article having survived the Victorian bushfires, and her subsequent reflections on how her experience changed her view on how organisations should approach change management. A thought provoking article that I would encourage you to read.

Wishing you all a great month as we speed all too quickly towards the financial year end!

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