Gwen Stefani queen of fun…

what a great way to spend an evening…
a night with Gwen STAR-fani was indeed a hoot. Admittedly I went with my 9 year old, as chaperone, but I think I might have enjoyed it more than she did!

Apart from being a fabulous entertainer, she appeared genuine. Not a bad feat in such circumstances. And dare I say a very entrepreneurial mother who is doing her thing her way; and doing rather nicely as well!! go girl!

10 Unwealthy Habits

10 Unwealthy Habits


A serial entrepreneur and wealth consultant, Alicia Castillo Holley, breaks down the negative habits that prevent us from gaining wealth. Written to address many individual viewpoints, she offers insight into how we can break those habits by first identifying them and then defying them.

Recognise these habits? Something you do yourself?
Time to have a good hard look at them if your dreams are to become realities…

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